My heart sunk when I received that phone call. I did not get accepted in to nursing school. This wasn’t my first rejection. It was actually my third! I was on the waiting list for the next year(which really wasn’t a rejection, but it sure as heck felt like one). I was in shock, lost for words, and a little numb. Waiting list! It wasn’t making any sense to me. I was so sure that this was my time. I passed the nursing entrance test, my grades were acceptable, and I had great recommendation letters. What else was I missing? Yup, I cried and cried and cried. Welp, you can say I’m a pretty emotional person. I played that phone conversation over and over in my head in continuous disbelief…
Time heals everything. So eventually I got with some acceptance that I would wait unit the next year to start nursing school. Trying to make the best of the situation, I came up with all the positive outcomes of me waiting a year.
1. I was able to work and payoff my car. I knew that once I started nursing school that I would not be able to work as much. We all know that college students are broke lol
2. I would be able to save as much as I could for an emergency fund
3. I was able get myself mentally prepared for nursing school. (Once in school no more parties, going out, basically no more FUN). I was cool with that because it was only temporary.
Do you know a month later, I received a call from the nursing school asking if I wanted to start the upcoming fall semester! I put some deep thought into it and realized the smart thing to do was to wait. I waited so I could be completely focused.
It’s funny how years later you realize this was all in God’s plan. At the time I didn’t understand it or I wasn’t trying to understand because I wanted what I wanted right then and there. I realized God wasn’t telling me no. He was telling me not right now. I’m grateful for this journey. It has made me a stronger person, resilient, and my faith has grown so much.
If you have been rejected, remember you are being protected. God is protecting you from going down a path you may not be ready for or he’s protecting you from a path that he doesn’t have planned. Your (NO), may be his (Not Right Now). Keep the faith.